CountryName: DjiboutiCode: DJI Official Name: Republic of Djibouti Located: Sub-Saharan Africa Capital: Djibouti Calling Code: +253 |
Flag of Republic of Djibouti |
Coat of Arms of Republic of Djibouti |
Demographics and PoliticsForm of Goverment: Semi-presidential republicOfficial Languages: French, Arabic Regional Languages: Somali, Afar Population: 906000 Largest cities: Djibouti City, Ali Sabieh, Tadjourah, Obock, Dikhil, Arta, Holhol, Dorra Religion: Islam |
Geographic InformationArea Total: 23200.00 0.09% Borders: Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Red Sea, Gulf of Aden Mountains: Goda Mountains, Great Rift Valley, Ethiopian Haghlands, Mendebo, Ahmar Rivers: Omo, Blue Nile, Tekeze, Awash Climate: Torrid with sparse and erratic rainfall. |
Djibouti Famous PlacesDay National Park, the Palace of Kimbyacoodi, Djibouti city, Obock Region, Tadjourah Region, Dikhil Region, Ali Sabieh Region |
Djibouti EconomyBased on service activities. Free trade zone in northeast Africa.Currency: Franc (DJF) |
International Driver License Republic of DjiboutiDo you need an International Driver License for travel? Apply for IDL Online!More about International Driver License >> Tips: Driving in a foreign Country Road Traffic InformationDrive Side: RightConvention of Road Traffic: Convention on Road Traffic, of 8 November 1968 Convención sobre la Circulación Vial en Viena el 8 de Noviembre de 1968 Конвенция о дорожном движении, подписанная в Вене 8 ноября 1968 года Convention sur la Circulation Routière fait à Vienne le 8 Novembre 1968 《道路交通公约》 1968 年11 月8 日订于维也纳 Convention on Road Traffic, of 8 November 1968 - Arabic |
Djibouti Time Zone (UTC)Winter:+3 - +3Summer: +3 - +3 |
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